F1NAR, or Formula 1 National Air Racing was formed in an attempt to bring stability to Large Scale Air Racing by implementing a unified set of rules. This guarantees that anyone involved in, or wanting to participate in Large Scale Air Racing can attend any F1NAR sanctioned event, knowing the rules don't differ from any other F1NAR event.
Large scale pylon racing has been around since 1997 when the Adelaide Golden Era Air races first started, since then it has grown to having run events in South Australia, N.S.W, Victoria, A.C.T and Queensland with crowds of over 2000 spectators at some of the public display race meetings.
An innovative part of F1NAR is that although rules are generally locked in for 3 year periods, there are times when technology changes and F1NAR has to change with it. Whether it be as building techniques improve or engine manufacturers discontinue a line or introduce new ones, it's important to keep up with the times. Even the ever changing ARF market has a large influence, especially in the Red Bull class.
With courses run similar to normal pylon racing, the main differences aside from the size of the aircraft is that F1NAR pilots stand outside the course. Also, instead of having a staggered ground start, F1NAR pilots start in a milling area waiting for a clock to countdown from 30 seconds. The racers then all dive for the start line, ensuring maximum speed to try and cross the start line simultaneously as the clock hits zero. This makes for thrilling side by side racing to keep the pilots on their game and the spectators thrilled all the way to the finish line.
Track shapes vary slightly between events but will generally be a 3 pole, 2 light course where possible, and will usually measure 250M along the main straight. This makes a course roughly 520M if you measured from pole to pole to pole and back to the first pole, however an aircraft will generally travel closer to 600M per lap. The poles (also known as "Turns") are 7M high and it's not uncommon to see racers dropping below the pole tops down the straights as they head for the turn.
Anyone wanting to try Large Scale Air Racing should feel free to contact us, or check out the calendar and come along to an event and chat to some of the pilots and officials there. See the classes information to see what you need to come racing, unless you have a plane that comes close to meeting the rules for Red Bull. Many new Race Pilots have come in via Red Bull and some with aircraft that didn't quite meet the rules but were allowed to race just to give the pilot a bit of a taste, we look forward to seeing you at a race meeting soon.
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